Student Spotlight: Mike

One of our favorite students, Michael Contreras! Michael brings some great flare to the Kinwell crew. He’s earning a ton of credits and getting all his friends to follow suit. He’s picky about his music and his mexican food. I have a blast whenever he’s in the room.

This is your second time at Kinwell. You were with us for a brief time and now you’re back. What brings you back?

I came back to Kinwell because I can’t handle the big school environment. Kinwell is good for my mental health and I’m getting back on track with my credits.

What do love most about Kinwell?

I love the people here. The teachers and the students. They all make me feel comfortable and I’m able to be myself. I’m surprised how quickly I’ve warmed up with everyone.

If you had to survive in the woods for two nights, what staff member would you want with you?

I’d bring Roger on this one. He seems like he camps a lot and would know how to catch a fish and you know, build a shelter and stuff.

Tyler (aka: Dres) from the other side of the room: ” Michael, I grew up on a farm.”

Michael: “Yea…ok”

What’s your favorite Kinwell memory so far?

Probably the car trip we had when I got my haircut. It was the first time we had a one on one talk about my past and all my trauma. It was the first time I was able to talk about my sexuality and stuff. It made me feel more comfortable at the school. I would say I’m more relaxed and talkative because of that.

I really enjoyed that conversation too.

If one staff member had to be your boss for the rest of your life, who would it be?

I’d have to pick Amanda. I’m the closest with her and I talk a lot more with her than the other teachers.

You’re really leaving Dres out of this thing.

Listen Dres, it’s nothing personal. I like everyone here, I just talk with you the least…now I feel bad. Can I have multiple bosses?


Oh gosh.



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